Toll IPEC Distribution Facility
View Safe Direction’s warehouse barrier project at the Toll IPEC Facility, where more than 1,000 metres of RHINO-STOP® Type 1 guardrail was installed.
View Safe Direction’s warehouse barrier project at the Toll IPEC Facility, where more than 1,000 metres of RHINO-STOP® Type 1 guardrail was installed.
The 800-bay car park at Travelodge Sydney Airport showcases several RHINO-STOP® guardrail configurations over 5 levels.
Several types of RHINO-STOP® guardrail were installed at this $30 million redevelopment which includes an additional 250 parking spaces.
Stage 2 of the Connect Corporate Centre included 6 levels of carparking where a range of RHINO-STOP® guardrail was installed.
The $14 million car park extension at Flemington provides an additional 350 parking spaces where several types of RHINO-STOP® guardrail were installed.
Safe Direction’s RHINO-STOP® guardrail was the preferred option for the construction of an additional 4 level carparking building providing 1068 car spaces.
RHINO-STOP® guardrail was installed across the 6 levels of the Lismore Base Hospital Car Park, which provides an additional 270 car park spaces at the Hospital.
St George Private Hospital has helped ease the squeeze on local parking through the opening of a new multistory car park where RHINO-STOP® guardrail was installed.
View Safe Direction’s car park safety barrier project at Coles in Tooronga in Victoria, where 1800 metres of RHINO-STOP® Type 4 guardrail was installed.
View Safe Direction’s car park safety barrier project at the Royal North Shore Hospital where more than 1400 metres of RHINO-STOP® guardrail was installed.